Serving as the body’s primary defence against viruses, the immune system is fundamental for staying healthy.|
Knowledge of the immune system’s workings can lead us to better health and wellbeing.
The impeccably functioning immune system provides us with protection by distinguishing harmful invaders like bacteria, viruses, and parasites from our body's healthy cells.
But what happens when our immune system do not function as they should? A poorly performing immune system can result in frequent flues, infections, and colds.
What can we do to give our immune system a natural boost?
A good place to start is by having a balanced diet.
Physical exercise is another important factor to maintain a healthy immune system.
Adequate sleep and managing stress are also essential elements of keeping your immune system vigorous.
Consider nutritional supplements as another method to maximize your immune system performance.
Common supplements for immune health include vitamin C, echinacea, vitamin Immune system function D, and zinc.
Therefore, taking steps to ensure our immune system stays healthy and robust is a must for our overall health and wellbeing.